Customized Webinars

Instead of hiring our Chief Key Expert Michael Rziha to hold a seminar or training on site, companies can purchase a webinar for their employees.

PPCHEM already has the following modules available:

1Case Studies of Damages and Impairment due to Chemistry and the Relevant Economic EffectsPlant damages caused by corrosion, unplanned shut down and / or impairment of efficiency and plant performance due to chemical reasons is still one of the major root causes for huge economic losses.
Practical examples and case studies are demonstrating the huge economic impact for any type of plant, when chemistry is not controlled in an appropriate manner.
2Basics of Power Plant ChemistryIn order to avoid impairments of the plant performance and availability or damages, certain water chemical conditions must be fulfilled and maintained.
This module will provide a better understanding of the various water chemical boundary conditions, which will lead to corrosion and deposits.
This basic knowledge is necessary for a proper understanding of the chemistry under process conditions, but also gives a deeper insight for the requirements to be kept in and to be controlled.
3Chemical Operating Regimes and Guidelines (IAPWS TGD`s; VGB; others)There are different guidelines and standards available from all over the world.
What are those and how to use them?
What is the detailed content?
Are there technically / chemically big differences?
How to use these standards in the right manner?
4Boiler Types and Design and the Resulting Requirements on Plant ChemistryBoiler ≠ Boiler. There are many designs from drum boilers over once through boilers to HRSG`s. Flame-tube boiler, etc. etc.
Beside the various design features, the materials used should also be considered for the choice of the right chemistry, as well as the different operating pressures and operating modes (frequent start-stop vs. cont. op.).
Which factors and design features have an influence on the selection for the optimum chemistry?
5Sampling, Monitoring and Data ManagementCorrect sampling and monitoring is the chemical “GPS” for your plant. The more precise and correct the entire process from sampling over monitoring to data evaluation is, the safer is the operation of the plant.
What is required for correct and accurate sampling? Which boundary conditions are essential in order to receive representative data?
How to evaluate all measured data in order to have an effective use for the plant?
6Plant Preservation and Shutdown ProtectionShutdown and standstill must be considered as a special form of operation as well. Damages caused by standstill corrosion are meanwhile climbing up into the top 5 of the costliest damaging factors.
What are the driving factors of standstill corrosion and how to avoid them?
Shutdown ≠ shutdown! There are many reasons for a standstill, either due to grid and being in standby, or due to an unplanned shutdown
When will standstill corrosion start and when must relevant protective measures be implemented?
Which methods and technologies are applicable?
7Cooling WaterThere are multiple issues related to cooling water treatment and cooling water chemistry.
Deposits and corrosion will quickly lead to either big losses in efficiency or even worse it may lead to cooling water leaks into the clean steam water cycle, which will cause even more and bigger problems.
Despite the possible technical issues, hygiene is also of top priority to avoid the risk of EHS issues such as Legionella and other diseases.
The basics of cooling water chemistry are explained, as well as the recommended ways of monitoring and of course the right way of treatment.

Didn’t find the perfect fit for your needs? No Problem! Contact our Chief Key Expert Power Plant Chemistry Michael Rziha at moc.mehcpp@ahizr.leahcim and we will be happy to create a tailor-made webinar for your specific needs.