Conferences & Seminars

Our Events

PPCHEM AG organizes international conferences and forums all over the world as a platform for sharing experience and discoveries. In addition to this, PPCHEM also offers seminars and technical sessions for operators.
Over the years, different formats of events have been developed to fit the different needs and interests within the power plant chemistry community.

The Power Cycle Instrumentation Seminar (PCIS) focuses on the analytical methods, the sampling points, and the critical issues for each parameter. The emphasis lies on spreading the knowledge of cycle chemistry and an understanding of analytical instruments. The PCIS consist of a well-proven mixture of theoretical background information on cycle chemistry, sampling, and monitoring as well as analytical methods and instruments, with a practical hands-on session with instruments.

The PowerPlant Chemistry Forum (PPCF) covers a wide variety of power plant chemistry topics and allows more time for the participants to discuss and share knowledge and experiences in the form of plenary discussions. The PPCF series aims to provide insights into the latest developments in cycle chemistry by sharing operational experience from fossil, combined cycle, biomass, nuclear, and other plants from around the world. The agenda consists of both invited and contributed technical papers, with a steering committee being responsible for putting the agendas together.

The PPCHEM Seminars offer easy-to-understand insights into the aims and tasks of power plant chemistry, as well as into the necessary basics, such as water chemistry and corrosion science. While the PCIS and PPCF include a variety of speakers and presenters, these Seminars are led exclusively by PPCHEM’s Chief Key Expert Michael Rziha.

The PPCHEM Webinars are a great opportunity to join presentations on the topic of your interest comfortably from wherever you are located in the world. The Webinars are offered in German, English and Spanish. 

PPCHEM AG offers its events at various locations and spots around the globe. Further details about dates and locations can be found in our event calendar.

Event Calendar
Webinar Calendar
Event Impressions