Date And Time
11:00 AM to 05:00 PM
Local Time in Switzerland
Registration End Date
March 19, 2021Programs
DownloadFirst Announcement
Being unable to hold FFS2020 in Strasbourg meant that there has not been the usual opportunity during 2020 to share the latest research/science and results on power plant applications. Maintaining this sense of community is most important to IAPWS and to ensuring plants operate with optimum cycle chemistry and protection. Because the virus is still circulating it is not possible to plan a physical event despite that vaccines should gradually penetrate over the next six months. This almost certainly will not provide confidence for travel to international conferences in the first half of 2021. So the Steering Committee is now planning to hold FFS2021, which will be organized by PPCHEM AG, in virtual space using GoToWebinar on Tuesday 23rd and Thursday 25th March 2021. Each day will include a morning and afternoon session of presentations.
Please find the final version of the Flyer here.
The conference was of major interest to:
operational personnel, technical managers, plant engineers, boiler operators, cycle and plant chemists, corrosion scientists and service providers as well as manufacturers of major plant components and chemicals.
The major themes of this international conference were dedicated to advancing the knowledge and introducing the latest science about film forming substances (FFS).
Scientific papers and case studies provided excellent insights into the latest developments in this field of cycle chemistry as well as numerous examples of the application of film forming substances (amine and non-amine based) in fossil, combined cycle, biomass, nuclear, industrial and other plants.
This IAPWS international conference was organized by PPCHEM AG in virtual space using GoToWebinar.
The conference language was English.
The virtual conference consisted of both invited and contributed technical papers.
- Day 1 – Tuesday, 23rd March 2021
- 11:00 Opening Remarks
- 11:15 Session 1
- 14:00 Session 2
- 16:05 Open Discussion Period
- Day 2 – Thursday, 25th March 2021
- 11:00 Opening Remarks
- 11:15 Session 3
- 14:00 Session 4
- 16:05 Open Discussion Period and Closing Remarks
A more detailed version of the final agenda can be found here in this pdf.
The International Steering Committee
Barry Dooley (Chair), Structural Integrity, UK
Jörg Fandrich, Framatome, Germany
Keith Fruzzetti, EPRI, USA
Marco Lendi, Swan, Switzerland
Marion Roy, SECR CEA, France
Michael Rziha, PPCHEM, Switzerland
Roy van Lier, Yara, Belgium
Tapio Werder, PPCHEM, Switzerland
Christophe Wesoluch, EDF, France