Datum und Zeit
05:00 PM (GMT+0100) to 10:00 PM (GMT+0100)
Local Time in Switzerland
Registration End Date
September 21, 2021Veranstaltungs-Broschüre
HerunterladenFirst Announcement
The current global situation still prevents traveling and gathering in larger groups. This is why we have decided to hold this year’s PPCHEM Forum in a virtual setting using GoToWebinar on Thursday September 23, 2021.
This PPCHEM FORUM is a continuation to the forum held in 2019 in Washington D.C. („Power cycle chemistry in a changing world“) and will be of major interest to
• Operational personnel
• Technical managers
• Plant engineers
• Boiler operators
• Steam turbine operators
• Cycle and plant chemists
Papers from well-known and acknowledged experts from the USA and from overseas will be presented.
The official language of this conference will be English.
You can find the flyer and agenda here.
Content / Topics
Major Topics include:
- Cycling Operation and its challenges
- Monitoring corrosion product release and transportation in cycling plants
- Chemical control and monitoring for cycling plants
- Chemistry during start up
- Sampling Systems and Instrumentation in cycling plants
- Risks for chemical upsets in cycling plants
For further information or questions on the agenda please contact Michael Rziha at moc.mehcpp@ahizr.leahcim
10:00 – 10:15 Welcome and Introduction
………………………….Michael Rziha, PPCHEM AG, Switzerland
10:15 – 10:45 Operational experience with EDI technology for CACE measurement
………………………….Mar Nogales, Swan Analytical Instruments, Switzerland
10:45 – 11:15 Cycle Chemistry Process Control Automation and Monitoring/Alarm Management
………………………….Steve Shulder, USA
11:15 – 11:45 Advances in Cycle Chemistry Sampling Equipment for Cycling Power Plants
………………………….John Powalisz, SentryEquipment, USA
11:45 – 12:00 Q&A
12:00 – 13:00 LUNCH BREAK
13:00 – 13:30 Flexible/Cycling Plant Management, Operating and Financial Demands on Cycle Chemistry and the Critical need for Robust Sampling, Monitoring and Data Analysis for Risk Management
………………………….David Addison, Thermal Chemistry, New Zealand
13:30 – 14:00 Weighted Salt Hours, A New Approach for Cycling Plants
………………………….Dr. Frank Udo Leidich, Germany
14:00 – 14:30 Enhanced Iron Monitoring for Steam Generating Units
………………………….Brad Buecker, ChemTreat, Inc. & Ken Kuruc, Hach, USA
14:30 – 15:00 Sample conditioning – What, Why, How
………………………….Kevin Murphy, Swan Analytical USA, INC., USA
15:00 – 15:15 Q&A
15:15……………..Closing Remarks
Registration Fee includes:
– access to the livestream
– pdfs of the presentations
– a free one-year subscription to the e-paper of the PPCHEM Journal
– discount code for 20% off your next webinar registration
Early Bird (until August 21, 2021): $ 85.00
Regular (From August 21, 2021): $ 100.00
VAT not included. All payments must be made within 30 days of the invoice date. PPCHEM AG does not accept checks.
If full payment is not received in time, the participant will be refused access to the forum.
Payments by bank transfer must be received on PPCHEM AG’s bank account latest 3 calendar days prior to the start of the forum.
To register, please fill in the Registration Form found here and send it via email to moc.mehcpp@sranimes