This Two-Day Seminar will be held in Spanish.
The exact dates and location will be announced soon.
Objective of the Seminar
Damage caused by corrosion, unplanned shutdowns, deterioration of efficiency and performance for chemical reasons are still among the main and performance deterioration due to chemical reasons are still among the main causes of large economic causes of major economic losses in power plants.
Often, inadequate selection of the treatment program or inappropriate chemical monitoring coupled with monitoring coupled with countermeasures applied too late are reasons for these setbacks. are reasons for these setbacks. The seminar will show by means of selected case selected case studies the negative economic impacts and how an optimal chemistry can contribute can contribute considerably to improving the economic equation of each plant.
A clear understanding of the qualities of the water being produced and the interaction with the various materials used and the different processes and conditions of each system is of vital importance to avoid these negative impacts and improve the economic benefits.
This seminar provides up-to-date and easy-to-understand information on the objectives and tasks of water-steam chemistry and tasks of water-steam cycle chemistry, as well as the necessary basics of water chemistry, the science behind necessary basic concepts of water chemistry, the science behind corrosion, etc. The The topics to be covered are the result of a selection work through surveys of participants of previous surveys conducted with participants of previous seminars and supplemented by the experts in charge of the experts in charge of the seminar.
The different possible operational regimes, the relevant guidelines (e.g. IAPWS, EPRI, VGB) and the necessary considerations for the concept will be demonstrated. monitoring concept, as well as the selection and optimal application in relation to the individual plant to the individual plant design.
Content / Topics
- Case Studies of Damages and Impairment due to Chemistry and the Relevant Economic Effects
- Basics of water-steam chemistry
- General water chemistry principles
- Materials, corrosion and deposits
- Standstill corrosion
- FAC (Flow-accellerated corrosion)
- Sampling, monitoring and data management
- Chemical operating regimes and international guidelines
- Applicable guidelines (e.g. IAPWS, VGB and others)
- Turbine standards
- Boiler types and design and the resulting requirements for plant chemistry
- Application of organic products / chemical treatments (hazards, special requirements)
- Chemical measurements and actions during the different operational phases (start-up, cycle, baseload, standstill and long standstill)
- Countermeasures in case of chemical disturbances
- Effective cycle chemistry management
- How is the chemistry of the cycle effective?
- What does a chemist need to know and do to be successful?
- How can chemical risks be communicated to engineers and managers?
- How can the most important chemical problems be managed?
- Plant preservation and standstill protection
- Standstill corrosion
- Preservation methods
The Expert
Michael Rziha is the Chief Key Expert Plant Chemistry at PPCHEM AG, where he conducts worldwide seminars, lectures, and conferences on all power plant chemistry related topics, as well as provides individual technical consultancy.
Before joining PPCHEM AG, Michael worked at Siemens Power Generation, Germany from 1983 until January 2019. Michael is a member of several VGB committees concerned with chemistry and water processing and is honorary fellow of the International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam (IAPWS) and vice chair of the Power Cycle Chemistry working group of IAPWS. He is also a member of the International Advisory Board of the PPCHEM® journal.
The Venue
The exact venue will be announced soon.
Registration and Fees
The Registration Fee is 200 USD.
- The registration fee includes buffet lunch on both days, dinner on the first day, and coffee breaks during the seminar
- The fee also includes a subscription to the PPCHEM® Journal for 12 months
The registration fee does not include hotel and transfers
For more information or questions about the agenda, please contact Sol de Carvalho:
moc.citylana-cic@ohlavracedm, +54 9 11 2156-6570