Datum und Zeit
11:00 AM to 05:00 PM
Local Time in Switzerland
Registration End Date
Mai 17, 2021Veranstaltungs-Broschüre
HerunterladenFirst Announcement
Being unable to hold EHF2020 in Strasbourg meant that there has not been the usual opportunity during 2020 to share the latest research/science and results on combined cycle / HRSG power plant applications. Maintaining this sense of community is most important to IAPWS. Because the virus is still circulating it is not possible to plan a physical event despite that vaccines should gradually penetrate over the next six months. This almost certainly will not provide confidence for travel to international conferences in the first half of 2021. So the Steering Committee is now planning to hold EHF2021, which will be organized by PPCHEM AG, in virtual space using GoToWebinar on Tuesday 18th and Thursday 20th May 2021. Each day will include a morning and afternoon session of presentations which should allow 30 minutes for the presentation and any Q/A.
Please find the latest version of the Flyer here.
The major themes of this conference will include:
◾ HRSG tube failures (HTF) (FAC, thermal fatigue, creep-fatigue, under-deposit corrosion)
◾ Pressure part failure mechanisms related to condensate, drains, and attemperator systems
◾ Identifying and avoiding damaging thermal transients in pressure parts
◾ Water treatment and cycle chemistry for HRSGs
◾ HRSG preservation for different operational modes
◾ Behavior and measurement of total iron for operation and daily start/stop
◾ Material selection and new material applications
◾ Optimization of plant controls
◾ Environmental aspects
◾ Fast Start HRSGs
◾ Balance of plant including the steam turbine, condenser, and air-cooled condenser
This IAPWS international conference is being organized by PPCHEM AG in virtual space using GoToWebinar.
The conference language will be English.
The virtual conference will consist of both invited and contributed technical papers.
- Day 1 – Tuesday, 18th May 2021
- 11:00 Opening Remarks
- 11:15 Session 1
- 14:00 Session 2
- 16:05 Open Discussion and Q&A Period
- Day 2 – Thursday, 20th May 2021
- 11:00 Opening Remarks
- 11:15 Session 3
- 14:00 Session 4
- 16:05 Open Discussion Period and Closing Remarks
A more detailed version of the agenda can be found here in this pdf.
Selected presentations can be prepared and published in the PPCHEM® Journal
The International Steering Committee
Barry Dooley (Co-Chair), Structural Integrity, UK
Bob Anderson (Co-Chair), Competitive Power, USA
Dan Blood, Uniper Technologies, UK
Jose-Maria Bronte, Bahía Bizkaia Electricidad, Spain
Jean-François Galopin, Cockerill/CMI, Belgium
Kalos Vasileios, GE, USA
Raymond Gunnewijk, Siemens, The Netherlands
Roula Kastanaki, PPC, Greece
Michael Rziha, PPCHEM, Switzerland
Registration Fees
Early Bird (until April 20, 2021): € 70,00
Regular (from April 21, 2021): € 100,00
VAT not included. All payments must be made within 30 days of the invoice date. PPCHEM AG does not accept checks.
If full payment is not received in time, the participant will be refused entry to the webinar.
Payments by bank transfer must be received on PPCHEM AG’s bank account latest 3 calendar days prior to the start of the webinar.
Speakers: free participation on both days.
To register, speakers should contact Ms. Corinne Kirchhofer, PPCHEM AG:
moc.mehcpp@sranimes – Phone: +41 44 940 23 00